Home Nursing Services *

Our service capabilities allow us to offer solutions that bring convenience and overall cost management for those paying for the medical care, both self-paying patients and insurance companies. Our services are delivered through the following options:

Nursing Procedures – Visits of 1 to 1.5 hours

Short visits are provided at a period specified by the client. This is particularly suitable for patients who need wound management, procedures such as feeding tube or catheter changes and even elderly care allowing for morning hygiene activities etc. They can be tailored for days of the week and time of the day to complement your family's needs in caring for your loved ones.

Nursing Care Plans – 12 to 24 hour plans

When patients need extended hours of continuous care - for example bed ridden patients, patients unable to be left alone on their own etc, the services of nurses can be used to provide care over extended periods the client requires. These services are offered in daily, weekly and monthly packages.

Palliative Care Services *

Our palliative care services support the physical, psychological, social and spiritual aspects of living with a life-limiting or terminal illness, including providing information, goal setting, and coordinating care. Palliative care acknowledges dying as a natural part of life and includes good end-of-life care, but for some patients palliative care interventions have actually been shown to prolong life too. We adopt a multidisciplinary approach involving a variety of health and social care professionals to help improve your quality of life. You are encouraged to be fully involved in the decision-making process when putting in place a palliative care plan. We always put your comfort and health needs first. Your caregivers may include:

  • Allied health professionals who can assist with your ongoing needs a care service that provides confidential personal support.
  • A palliative care specialist who will explain the benefits of different medications and treatment options available for the control of pain, nausea and other symptoms. 
  • Nurses who will be in regular contact with you and your family, to answer questions about your care, and advise you on how to manage your symptoms and your care when you return home.
  • Allied health professionals who can assist with your ongoing needs a care service that provides confidential personal support.

Medical Appointment Companion Services 

This service also known as the “buddy service” is especially dedicated to busy working professionals whose parents or loved ones or any senior citizens living on their own who may need assistance in accompanying them for doctor visits in clinics or hospitals. Our buddies are trained nurses with transportation who will pick up the patients from their home, sit-in with them during consultation and send them back home after the appointment has ended.

Medication Courier Services *

No more waiting in long government hospital queues or trapped in traffic jams. Let our medication transporter help you reduce the hassle and stress when you need to collect medication from the clinic, pharmacy or hospital. Our medication transporter will collect the paper prescription from your home or office, then collect the medication from the assigned clinic, pharmacy or hospital on your behalf and finally deliver the medication to you at your door step. Hassle and stress free medication collection!

Global Nursing HR / Training Services

For Healthcare Institutions / Hospitals / Nursing Colleges / Universities

We have a global database of qualified nurses with different specializations including nurse lecturers for nursing colleges / universities. In addition to that, if your healthcare organization needs improvement in managing the efficiency of your nursing floors, we do have a pool of experienced nurse consultants from the USA who can consult you in the many different areas to achieve your objectives.

We help you scout and source for potential qualified nurses based on your organization’s requirements. Our assistance to you includes pre-screening to successful placement of the nurse candidate at your organization. We work on a ‘no cure no pay’ basis. If you are interested to assign us as your healthcare human resources partner, please email us at: [email protected]